Brice Collier
Owner, Head Programmer "The General"
Brice Collier began doing CrossFit in February 2007 when he was playing on the Air Force Academy Rugby team and looking for a conditioning program "more exciting than doing sprints over and over again." He was selected USA Rugby Collegiate All-American in 2008 and continued to play rugby for the Air Force Active Duty (2008-2009) and U.S. All Military (2010) teams.
With CrossFit, he notes, "no matter how far I progress there are still areas that need attention." He loves the constant challenge of pushing towards new goals and the euphoria he feels each time he reaches a milestone.
As a coach, Brice is a close observer of his clients, careful to watch for and correct any erroneous movement patterns that could result in an athlete's injury. He also motivates people to push past their comfort levels, and loves seeing his athletes grow in confidence as their physical fitness increases. Opening Koda CrossFit is a natural extension of Brice's passion for helping people achieve their goals.
During his 2011-2012 deployment, Brice coached fellow service members in CrossFit at Camp Vance. He also wrote Koda's programming and kept in touch with gym members remotely, sending tips and nutrition advice via email. Upon his return, he was thrilled to come home to a gym that was not just operational, but thriving. "We are constantly adding classes, buying more equipment, hiring more trainers, and expanding our current footprint," he explains, describing the process as "a beautiful rush of nerves and excitement." He is glad to be back working with his clients face-to-face.
Born and raised in West Texas, Brice fell in love with Oklahoma and is happily at home in OKC.